vrijdag 19 december 2008

'Aeropolis' > concept for a very special hotel

Het uitgangspunt is een tiental onafhankelijke ontwerpers elk hun ideale hotelkamer te laten ontwerpen zonder dat er een ontwerp of een layout van een gebouw bestaat. Vervolgens is er door het ontwerpteam een overkoepelend concept geformuleerd waarbinnen de tien kamers samengevoegd worden tot een gebouw > het hotel.

ontwerpvoorstel voor gebouw en layout Stefan de Beer.

definitieve ontwerp logo

Het ontwerpteam:
Tessa Bekink - definitief ontwerp gebouw
Jaap van der Feer - uitwerking layout definitief gebouw
Annemarie Groenen
Esther Donders
Rowell van der Sangen - animatie
Willem Kuipers - ontwerp loopbruggen
Mandy den Elzen
Stefan de Beer - naam, logo, script en dig. visualisatie
Miranda van Gestel
Alice Mulders

>meer volgt

dinsdag 21 oktober 2008

Modulus > all-in-one system > desk, bench & storage object

This furniture object was initiated by one of my academic projects and later entered in an art competition in 2008.

the CAD-model

stacking the mathematically proportioned segments > endless possibilities

impression of a multiple layer and multiple user setup.

half of the first maquette

From Modulus to Strates.
My Strates installation is based on the Modulus and built in Toulouse in South France in 2012.

For concept description and more pics go to the link below:

> more following shortly

vrijdag 17 oktober 2008

PlanX Chair at Biennale Kortrijk 2008

Planx Chair ST03 by Stefan de Beer and Tom van Gerven at the Young Designers exhibition, Biënnale Kortrijk 2008.

click pics to enlarge
Planx Chair was one of the winning prototypes at the
Design Biënnale Kortrijk 08 (see no.6).

Wooden planks, the most basic construction material in furniture design. My mission: To turn just one single plank into a practical piece of furniture.  
The idea was simple: cut a big plank into pieces and flip the segments at 90 degree angles around a human body. The back tilts with the angle of the body making it far more comfortable than you would expect. This ultimately created the winning Planx Chair.

Mid 2007 I was commissioned to design a conceptional piece of furniture for a newly built residence. The concept of this new building served as a framework for my design.
After development of the prototype I decided to present the design at the Design Biënnale in Kortrijk before delivering to the client.

After the succes of the first small production run, a second run limited to 36 will be issued from mid 2009. Prices start at 1.450,- euros. SOLD OUT.

Form finding and problem solving for one of the first prototypes

PlanX concept and brand name 

maandag 4 augustus 2008

R-house > design for a house in Portugal > nomination, 2nd prize

Concept and design by Stefan de Beer

There are some very special ingredients in this competition: a very beautiful hillside, a view on the Atlantic Ocean and a strangely shaped lot with one very steep side. Designing a house is here the objective. One way to do that is leveling out the hillside and creating a big plateau to build your house on. The other way is a completely different approach. It starts by observing the landscape with all its special features and discovering that it is far more exciting to let the natural features and resources already present at this location dictate large portions of the design.
It is all about creating and maintaining a relationship between the hill, living on this hillside, the city below and the ocean. A balance must be found in function, shape and materials, which in the end will result in an unique experience of living.

Welcome to R-house!

Zigzagging down hill, positioning the required volumes depending on function and relationship to each other and the surrounding landscape, creating a group of buildings, then connecting them in a logical way by corridors. This will result in a physical descent when entering the main entrance at the top level and starting your way down the four main levels. Creating maximum use of the terrain while maintaining optimal functionallity.

There will be no stairs in this building, so visitors physicaly 'experience' being on a hillside.It is all about creating a special ‘living’ experience and not just a house on a hill. And to proudly say ‘that’s ‘R house!’ .

construction layout in CAD model for the garden pavilion

positioning of the buildings

a strangely shaped lot on a hill....

maandag 31 maart 2008

Lifecycle Appartments > Bauhaus Awards 2008

A concept by Stefan de Beer and Jeanne Kneusse [Univ. Stuttgart, Creapole ESDI Paris, Sorbonne Arts Paris]

'Architect of your own life'In order to offer more life quality it seemed particularly important to us to design homes that accompany different periods of life. Those life periods are linked to basic needs as home and space, for example when starters get their first child, when kids grow to young adults or when old people need to move to their children in order to get supported in every day life… all these changes are followed by new living situations. People who can’t afford moving to bigger spaces, often have to share the little space and intimacy they have. But sharing small living space decreases to less life quality.

Our contribution to the Bauhaus contest is a mixture of freedom of choices (for the tenants), social accompanishment and living security in order to stimulate. Lego and Knex are famous for their creative effect on children. That’s how we started the concept of an adaptable home: Developing an all duty system that is changeable into (low cost) bigger or smaller spaces and adaptable to any life situation. Just as Lego simulates these endless possibilities to kids.

a possible evolution of a lifcycle appartment

standard wall panels each existing of even smaller standardized elements

sketch studies > diversity by multiplying

A limited number of standard wall elements with integrated funcionality > foldable benches, tables, beds and also closet space, kitchen elements, bookshelfs, lighting and a standard bathroom and toilet unit. Combine and there will be endless possibilities. Feed your wish list to the software program and it calculates exactly what you need and where you need it.

a lifecycle appartment in one of the stages of evolution
finding a balance between standardizing, basic luxury, materials, affordability and life quality.

an echo of the 'Bauhaus' villa by stacking the standard units > 7 growing homes in this layout.

facades in different materials

Old 1914 factory buildings on the left as integrated in the plan. They will partly be used as warehouse for the interchangeable modular building parts.

aerial shot of the estate with the 350 growing homes.

dinsdag 15 januari 2008

Carpet 'Le Nurdeau' > for Droog Design Competition 2007

Het ontwerp voor dit tapijt is gebaseerd op een heel klein stukje printplaat voor de montage van een computerchip. De microscopisch kleine en ongrijpbare computertechniek waar de leek niks meer van snapt, uitvergroot naar een menselijke maat.

Het benadrukt tevens hoe verweven computers zijn met ons dagelijks leven, we zouden niet meer zonder kunnen, maar zelfs nu hebben veel mensen er nog steeds een bepaalde angst voor.

Drie maal daags lekker op liggen of zitten en gegarandeerd binnen een paar dagen ben je van je computerangst genezen!

Wordt door HyperFORM geproduceerd op bestelling.