zaterdag 21 juni 2014

Unstable by Design: Automaton 'living' mini installation series

Exhibition from June 15th at Galerie Majke Husstege, Gallery of the Year, Den Bosch Netherlands.

 A co-creation with HOT100 artist Tim van Cromvoirt.

The recent collaboration with HOT100 artist Tim van Cromvoirt has led to a new exciting project. Inspired by our interactive art installation at the Boscotondo Hall of Modern Art we now show the first piece in a new series of 'living' mini installations.
It is the perfect merge of Tim's breathing Lungplants, my concept of transforming motion into other forms of motion and my balancing constructions. We combined our two concepts to find a way to create a self regulating cycle. 

The result is a delicate dynamic cycle composed of seven elements like leverage, weight shift, pressure, tension, rotation and balance. 
We started with a fully computer operated prototype from which we reverse engineered the complete cycle untill we had replaced all electronic elements with mechanical parts, except for one tiny low voltage source of continuous airflow.

Check out the video:

Automaton from Tim van Cromvoirt on Vimeo.

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